Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Reflecting on my project...

well I presented today and even though I made some good points, I don't think I touched my fellow students the way I would have liked to. I hope you guys take the liberty of watching the video on you tube posted earlier on my blog. This is an issue that i really do care about and its sad people don't see it the way i do. One student asked me if i really do think abortion should be illegal.And what if your 16 year old girl friend was to get pregnant.It just made me realize how naive a persons understanding is to how crucial ; the lack of moral decency is, and-how much it  has spiraled out of control. But sadly this is something that happens every day. I feel this has alot if not, everything to do with what society. And how it has effected people in such a way  to allow themselves to become influenced, to the point were it has handicapped our individuality and more importantly, lack of responsibility. It truly brakes my heart that people are so selfish and don't think twice before making a rash decision.Also I was really upset due to the fact that such question were asked about my project.There was obviously a lack of compassion in my way of presenting, due to being rushed. However on my community service project I got a lot of similar questions and rejection, by doctors,by officers and individual who didn't want to listen, it just makes me want to push more to raise awareness on abortion.It isn't about us, its about the children. and I think before we can target abortion we must truly turn to god and prey, that people will someday respect life, and not take sex for granted as well. It wasn't meant for our pleasure, it was simply meant to create a child and we should be ashamed that we have taking a beautiful act such as sex, and turned it into something so dirty, evil, and just appalling; that an unborn child who is the only hopes of a better world, suffers the consequences. I will not stop here, and will continue to help in any way of raising awareness of abortion . I know now this needs to be approached in a series of steps, such as self esteem, objectifying woman, and many other factors. I hope to make this a life long project of healing and awareness who knows maybe this is my purpose in life.

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