Monday, October 11, 2010

Stop Abortion!!!!/Subliminal Messages

 Hello it took along time for me to decide on a few things for be the change project. I was having trouble deciding on abortion, subliminal messages,and a controlled government issue as far as privacy policy. I did however choose to do a project against abortion...For the be the change project i will do a walk against abortion in Ma. Also iam going to talk to a priest at a church who happed to lead and setup the walk against abortion in 2008, i hope to work closely with him on it to get the message more publicity.We all know this have been attempted but its time for a change!!! together, despite what religion you are, i will introduce some graphic, and important information to change the way people think about it!I could have done the privacy issue which i know just about everyone would agree with me on this, but i think a life is more important.I'll try to get as many people as possible to stand for, and participate in this activity. please view these i promise it will touch you.

Also i do feel subliminal messages is just as important so i will be blogging about that separably through out the project. For those who do not know what subliminal messages are, they are usually advertisements portraying a message an willingly to the subconscious with out the persons knowledge that affect behavior and brain activity. I think this is horrible and part of a government mind control to have power over the people and i just want people to know how devastating it can be to a child perspective as they develop there need to be an end, but we are so saturated in everything that surround us it would be close to impossible to fully eliminate such. but the more people to actually care the more innocence we can save to better our union with out such filth. also you should think about Google ing  Walt Disney subliminal messages.

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